You made it..

Not just to this little corner of the internet but to yourself, in this moment.

This potentially may not seem like anything grand, though I implore you to take a closer look.

The paths of life have the ability to weave through some pretty surreal, exciting and tumultuous spaces;
often leading the weary traveller to ponderings of the future and to reminisce on the days past.

So let’s take this moment to sit solid in the being you are now, with considered and respected views of all you have been through to get to here. Grand or heavy.

Look how far you have come. Look at all you have traversed.

These are some of the thoughts I have paved my own path with and that have, somehow,
brought you here.

Take a wander, feel what you feel and take a breath when you need…

It may be an interesting ride -

A selection of written pieces from over 15 years, weaved into an arch that comprises of self awareness, connection in journey, fear, societal politics, love, stillness and gratitude.

Each piece punctuated by a palate cleanser to ready oneself for the next, with simple pictures accompany them, playing it off like they have their own story..

Compiled over the last several years, as an encouragement to myself and others; to give allowance to feel their inner spaces and explore their own thoughts.

A bit of fun...

Coming soon… but don’t despair! The Kickstarter will be launched soon, so if you’re interested in any launch updates, you can follow me on Instagram or scroll down to the Publication Update form to stay up to… in the loop.

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  • Whisperings and contemplations of flirtation with experience feeds the inner world with forests that grow in our dreams.

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..If you’re into that kinda thing…