There is much to be said about the history of zines and one day, I may even write a piece on its full development over time..

There is quite an amount of history exploration online already, so I wont waste your time by taking that adventure away from you..

In the meantime, I’d like to share my thoughts on it all..

What I have gathered from reading my fair share about its history, is the fabric that it’s stitched into is founded on the power of a voice for the voiceless.

Outreach from the quiet internal revolutions happening within the unheard.

Articulated by the vulnerable lions with creative prowess, to open the windows of societies and shine the light of emboldened thought into to shadows of societal ignorance.

Over the blip that has been my life so far, I have had the privilege of finding, buying, reading or being gifted zines from all over the world. Many of which have found new homes to continue adding reinvigorated thought in the minds of those crossing my path.

Seemingly, these modern times have replaced common sense with common thought; an acceptance of a comfortable state of sustained mediocrity.

Personal growth is shilled out with a price tag and cultural care has taken its place next to flag wavers and burners.

I encourage you to sit with your thoughts and listen to what comes up.. not to go run with it but just to sit with it, observing. Our anger needs compassion, our fears need love and our voices deserve to ring with the parts of you that have never been given the chance.

Creating a zine in the process or not..

Writing has been a loved medium in my life and has done me incredibly well in the currency of joy, peace and purging..

But if that’s not how your voice needs to be articulated, then give time to choosing your medium.

May you share your light with the world and bring some fresh thought to the table of hungry minds.