Beyond Dualities and Reasoning

I have been pondering dualities and the reasoning as to where we place ourselves.

The facets of wrong right, black white, left and right are not as two dimensional as they may, at first glance, seem.

Escaping the regressive and suppressive lingo and cultural speak, for the Über advanced wearing of political correctness, like a last grasp at a utopia never seen; 
seems a little, "from the frying pan and into the fire".

I agree that there was a tonne of insensitive, derogatory and disgustingly ignorant language and action taken out upon too many innocents to count, and that they were fueled by some form of superiority complex.

I agree that through the cultural and social evolution of a society, comes a need to adapt terminology and restructure some form of social language to be more inclusive of new common norms.

I also agree that the English language is an incredibly hilarious construct and when not deeply appreciated with impeccable use, it can lead to some disastrous outcomes.

In saying all that...

I feel that by placing political correctness above us, just out of complete understood grasp, we lose touch with what it is to just be a genuine human.

To be honest and learn how others feel.

To push adversity, survive and grow together.

To be receptive of what needs to come our way, in humble stead and gracious appreciation.

These abilities are not out of our reach.

In fact, while we were trying to get the language down from the top shelves, we missed out on the steaming hot, soul cooked values sitting on the plate in front of us.

Be sensitive to the reasoning of treating others as you wish for yourself.

Develop an appreciation for the simplest forms of common sense and bring that into the next quandary you step in.


The Hills