The Listening Observant
Sun streams through the mornings crisp mist, alleviating the pavement of its moisture through subtle wisps of steam. The call of differing birds to Miss Morning's warm and welcoming face, echo playfully. The rising pace of chitter chatter between foot traffic bound dog walkers and cafe baristas. If one could read the collective collection of early morning thoughts, I'm sure they would be lost in a lucid world found somewhere between Wonderland and Neverland.
So many internal spaces lost in struggling momentum, while others grip the days start with the focus of a puma. Slow soft breezes bring with them an aromatic sense of the worlds waking. Dew coated eucalypts and freshly ground coffee beans fragrantly dance a waltz with every gust. My nose passionately embraces them like old loves and invites them to stay.
The sun now glazing the streets, dripping sweetly, reminiscent of lemon icing spread over newly baked biscuits. This covering of visual deliciousness stirs the weekend child within and passing smiles ensue. How vivid new light can make old perspectives. Rays of warmth heat the skin, the reminder brought by winters wind is enough to chuckle off the appearance of summers grin.
The birds previously mentioned now swap auditory expression with the building road traffic. Black tar rivers leave no explanation for the mission of its inhabitants. It's only care, to lead them further astray to found destinations.
Deliberations of the day stretch minutes to hours with ease. Senses reel with the movement of the days sway; ebb and flow gliding with an experiential stance. How fitting is now the sun. Face so glorious, its radiance perceived by even the blind.
Early afternoon peels back the mornings sensory blanket and lays the day out like a welcoming spread, ready to be sampled by all with a conscious knife and fork. Flowers found in cracks of pavement, reaching to the sun with a stretch that leaves metaphorical giraffes looking short.
Between the tug of the wind and the pull of the sun, resilience grows them with strength of character that almost seamlessly mirrors the surrounding walkway.
Dreamers design their own footpaths, while flirting with the idea of grass laid picnic spots every time a shower of light lay upon their toes. Change in banks of cloud, leave only all to the imagination. Nothing but rational distractions take the mind from adventurous perspectives.
Hints of weariness take perch on the shoulders of daily activity. Mental movement and physical position slow to the steps on a ruler, while grooves of subtle confusion weave their way into the souls of tired shoes. Clouds are exhaled from the skies yawn as the early morning birds skip gusts towards a comforting roost in the bosom of the ever approaching dusk.
Subtly, the days graces shift colour palette. The trees gather shadows fashioned from the closing light, draping around their surroundings, heavy enough to let the rest of the day go. Smells once previously rich with the fortunes of daily movement, now embrace the warmth that comes from a full belly and an open fire. Slowly the nights pace finds itself a new and all that was in flux now seeks the calm welcoming of beds embrace.